AmigaActive (675/2249)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:9 Jul 2000 at 15:29:25
Subject:Re: Porting MySQL database engine to AmigaOS for 68K/PPC systems

Hello Matt,

On 09-Jul-00, you wrote:

>>> Classics are dead. We're going to be moving to QNX and/or Elate

>> That's pretty negative, don't you think?

> No. Classics ARE dead, in principle, but we ARE getting something
> cool and new as a result. That's positive. But then I'm not too keen
> on this new fangled Amiga thing anyway, so that could be negative..

I think we've been in this position so many times that just having
anything happen would be something. If you see what I mean.

>> Do you really think we're all going to immediately replace our
>> existing machines once/if the new AmigaOS comes into existence?

> I really think you *will*, and mainly just because you *can*, and
> not because you *need* to. The funny thing is, you really *do* need
> to, but you won't be able to see it.

I'm suprised you know me so well ;)

For the record, I don't think I will be getting anything like Amiga
proposes, not on what I've seen so far. Of course, this is all
supposition, and like most people, I'll make the decision when there
is something to make a decision about.

>>> It's times like this I hate being associated with Amigans :/

>> Most of your recent posts seem to be on this theme, has
>> someone upset you?

> Why should someone have upset me? It certainly hasn't been anything
> specific that has happened recently, but I'm just not keen on the
> general attitude I see and can attribute to most people glad to call
> themselves Amigans, nor am I particularly impressed with what Amiga
> Inc. have done and are doing so far.

You seem to have become very cynical of late. I don't know what you
attribute to "most Amigans", but if you are referring to people who
will try and claim their A1200 is still a world beater, then OK, those
people piss me off as well. I think we all know where the Amiga stands
against current technology, even so called "Power Amigas" fall far
behind, but are, nonetheless, nice machines to use; something that
can't always be said of the latest machines.

> I'd like to think that I'm not bothered about which way Amigas go -
> I have many other places that *I* can go if something nasty happens.

You're not alone in this. We can all jump ship at any time, indeed,
most of us have to use Macs and PCs in all different guises just for
our everyday work.

> But I can't help feeling just a little sorrow - nay, pity - for
> those deluded fool Amigans.

They probably don't want your pity, and I can't help feeling, from
what I read here and in other lists, that the majority of Amiga users
are realists. those that aren't are obviously ignorant of the "state
of play" of current hardware.

> I can't help feeling a little dismay at just how lame Amiga's plans
> sound, either, or how they intend to go about them. The constant
> pandering to the aforementioned fool Amigans doesn't 'up their cred'
> with me at all, I consider it patronising that they have to preview
> the announcing of announcements of announcements of minor,
> inconsequential things..

I'm actually impressed that Amiga have done as much as they have in
the short time they've been in control. While we don't see much
happening from the ground floor, Amiga is being talked about again,
and by people who aren't easily impressed. Where it will all go I
don't know, but I'll be following Amigas progress with interest, and
using my Amiga for my own pleasure and amusement, which is really what
I want it for.

> *sigh*

Keep taking the tablets, Matt ;)


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

Do these white hairs mean I'm turning blonde?

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