AmigaActive (477/2249)

Date:8 Jul 2000 at 12:57:02
Subject:Re: Amiga Writer 2.0 Demo

Gordon Moss wrote on Fri, 7 Jul 2000 19:42:56 +0100
about [amigactive] Re: Amiga Writer 2.0 Demo

> There is just one more thng to say with regard to Amiga Writer 2.0
> Demo, did you notice how much memory was used when running this program

No; can't say I did, I have 32MB of fast, so I don't look at the memory
counter that often.

> Yours saving for 16 mb ram,:)

It really is a minimum know'a'days, get as much as you can.

I'm not convinced about 'Amiga Writer', they've put it out far to far back
in it's development, I see no reason spend money on it.


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