AmigaActive (389/2249)

From:Richard Lane
Date:7 Jul 2000 at 02:01:28
Subject:Re: DC215 (was: Re: Gfx cards)

Hello Paul

On 06-Jul-00, Paul Hill wrote:

>> Allmost slipped past me while reading. A DC215 tool, sounds interesting,
>> I've got that model Kodak Camera. Care to tell us more about it? Need a
>> beta tester? :)
> To start with I've ported a simple Unix command line based tool. Currently
> it can tell the cam to take photos, download pics & thumbnails, change the
> zoom & other settings. It seems to work well (after struggling with bad
> packets for hours only to find out that the serial params were wrong :).

Sounds good so far, that's a lot more than the dc210 wizard from Aminet can
do. Being able to download thumbnails is especially welcome.

> Next I'm starting on a GUI. Any ideas would be appreciated. I suppose it
> would be nice if I made it generic for various cam models. I'm hoping to add
> thumbnail displays and progressive downloading etc. It'll probably be MUI
> based.

How about adding the ability to upload those BMP frame template thingy's to
the camera (can't remember what they're called atm). Maybe also displaying
the info in the JPEG-EXIF header like the time/date the picture was taken and
picture number?

Another option that I'm sure would be welcome would be an ARexx port.

> I've only had the camera since Sunday and I got fed up with the basic
> (though functional) dc210wizard software.

That's what I use, works fine provided you can remember the picture number if
you only want to download one or two.

> I'll put yer name down as a future beta tester. I've already got another.
> Any others speak up!

Excellent, thanks for that I look forward to seeing it when you're ready. .

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

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