AmigaActive (349/2249)

From:Paul Hill
Date:6 Jul 2000 at 15:56:58
Subject:Re: Gfx cards + AGA

David McMinn wrote:
> > You don't keep the entire map in chip ram! Tile based games only
> > store the current display and the tile gfx & animations.
> I didn't think C&C was tile based, but now you've pointed that out
> and I've thought about it that would be a bit silly. Anyway, you'd
> probably still run out of chipmem trying to do C&C.

What resolution are you talking about? A 640x256 screen would take 300k.
That leaves 1.5Mb+ for other graphics (e.g. 384 64x64 tiles).

Fast ram would be perfectly usable for tiles anyway.

> > It's common practice. You make the display (say) 64*2 pixels wider
> > & taller than needed. As you scroll around you only need to draw the
> > areas around the edges that need updating. Of course you still need
> > to draw animations etc.
> Surely that way you still need to occaisionally shift the entire
> display back to centre and reset the pointers otherwise you'll run
> out of display mem. That doc I mentioned was for sort of getting
> round that, being able to hardware scroll continuously and update
> the edges only (without having to copy anything back to the centre
> of the display). Or is that what you meant too, cos I read it and
> it was a fairly complicated mess.

Yep. This is what I meant. Actually thinking about it you will have to blit
the image back every 64 pixels. This is what all shoot 'em ups do (don't
forget SUE's are tile based also). There is plenty of time in 1 frame to blit
a 320x256 screen. Not sure about 640x256 or bigger, I never tried.


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