AmigaActive (302/2249)

From:John Marchant
Date:5 Jul 2000 at 22:24:03
Subject:Re: Digest Number 667 (fwd)

Hi Paul. In a message on 05-Jul-00 09:35:16, you wrote:

>I was walking down Tottingham Court Road last weekend. Anyone remember when
>there were Amiga shops there? Ah those were the days...

(Re: _Tottenham_ Court Road)

Indeed I do. I also remember when I used to go there to buy
"government surplus" radio and electronics kit: leftovers from
World War II, long before personal computers even existed. And it
was there that I was first "importuned". "Can I chat with you

And there was Lisle Street, off Charing Cross Road, with similar
"facilities" - electronics shops I mean of course. There was a
Goon Show about the "All Leather-bound Airship" built in Lisle St.
It wouldn't take off, and they said "If you can't get off in Lisle
St. you won't get off anywhere."

And to return to topic <g>, Amiga shops are very hard to find
anywhere, which is one reason I'm glad to see the ads in AA and the
presence of Eyetech in this ML.


John Marchant ('Gnome'). Bedford UK.
Amiga 4000/40, A3000/30, A500

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