AmigaActive (285/2249)

From:Michael O'Hara
Date:5 Jul 2000 at 22:04:33
Subject:Re: Gfx cards

Hi jeremy, on 04-Jul-00 18:30:54 you wrote:

>> Anyone still using AGA (or god forbid, ECS/OCS) is doing themselves and
>> their Amiga's a disservice.

>But what about those of us with A600's, who cannot get a graphics
>card in?

As the first Amiga I used frequently, the I will always remember the 600
fondly. However, there just isn't enough room for expansions to be added. The
600 was designed by C= as a portable Amiga AFAIK, and in that respect it's

But if I was still using a 7Mhz A600 as my main computer for everyday work, I
would have bought another system a long time ago.

> Though I will be getting a Viper 630 ASAP with 16 or 32
>megs of ram.

To me, the 600 is nice in that it's the first Amiga I ever used.

Carpe Diem,
Mike O'Hara

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