AmigaActive (2108/2249)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:27 Jul 2000 at 19:12:14
Subject:Re: Paint Programs

Simon Preston said,

>> But you don't want to reduce an image to 8 bit if you are going to print
>> it in colour, or use it on a web site as a JPG. Why throw away all those
>> colours?

> Becuase you can. PPaint is very good at its dithering. A lot of memory can
> be saved using an 8bit GIF rather than a 24bit JPEG.

Dithered images dither badly. If you are creating web graphics that need
more than 128 colours, it's best to save them in a 24 bit format and let
the browser dither from that. A 256 colour dithered image dithered again
to match a different 256 colour palette can look truly awful.

24 bit JPEGs are usually smaller than 8 bit GIFs too, and dithering
prevents the GIFs being compressed as effectively.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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