AmigaActive (2063/2249)

From:darren glenn
Date:26 Jul 2000 at 15:32:49
Subject:Re: Executive

On Wednesday, 26, July Andrew Markwell said:

>Oh come off it. You could say that about the Amiga CD32 or from the
>differnce between the A1000 and the A1200. FFS, What the hell do you
>ppl want? Everyone has been crying bring back the Amiga! I want a
>new Amiga. Now we have someone *actually* doing something, it isn't
>good enough, it is only a badge. If that is the case then I dare
>anyone to try and remarket the A4000 or the A1200 (good luck at
>getting any stock to start with!) *The currant Amiga's are old and*
*>decrepid now* They suit the majority of us (the majority of us being
>a total minority in the real world of business) but they are old and
>hacked, expensive and dying off one by one. No one has said ditch
>your old miggy and jump on board with the new, have they? Wait and
>see what Amiga bring out, then decide if you want it or not! I for
>one will be grateful of a new system, providing it produces the same
>kind, or even better, experience I get out of my woefully
>under-powered A1200/060. Yes I can get PPC If I remorgaged my parents
>house. Even then the bottle necks in the Hardware put it far beyond
>the power of current p.c's. Plus each new hack adds more unstability
>and more incompatibilities. It is time to move on or die.
>Manufactures can not and will not continue to produce products for a
>dead platform (yes it is dead, commercially) Phase5 is a prime
>example as to why. I will keep my miggy handy at first but if the new
>Amiga proves to be anything like that which is being touted, then it
>won't be long before I package up the A1200 and store it safe in the
> Getting back to my original point... Yes, the resemblance to the
>Amiga's that we know, will be minimal but it should be a worthy
>sucessor (if it is anything like that is being talked about)
> Much of the same thing happened with Star Wars Episode 1 as Andrew
>Korn pointed out once (IIRC) the fans had had 20(?) years to come up
>with their own version of what should happen and many were
>dissapointed when the end result was not what they had imagined. So
>it is with Amiga. I bet half, if not more, of the ppl crying "just a
>badge. It's not a true Amiga" could not come up with a viable,
>marketable alternative. I have heard ppl complain that QNX was not
>picked up again. Yet this is just a UNIX platform, with some nice
>features and well put together, but how is that any more an Amiga,
>than that which Amiga inc are offering?
> At the end of the day, if you don't like the new face of Amiga,
>whether that be the plan of action or the personnel, what you gonna do
>about it? They are what we have, there is no-one else. No one is
>gonna come rushing in on a white horse waving the Boing Ball banner,
>saving us from the evil tyrants that have somehow taken possession of
>us (no I don't believe that) If this ship sinks, that is it, finished,
>you can kiss any hope for the future good bye. We either get behind
>them or die, the decision is that simple.
> I'll leave it there or I'll confuse myself more 80)

I couldn't have said it better myself :0)
I am definetly *not *dumping my Amiga until it dumps me, I love my Amiga and
I hope to have many more years of enjoyment out of the old girl yet. As for
the new Amiga I hope it does arrive, we as a comunity need it.
sorry about the long post but I felt that Andrew's coment was so great that
it had to be repeated.

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