AmigaActive (1793/2249)

From:Anthony W. Prime
Date:23 Jul 2000 at 18:06:15
Subject:Re: Hard drive space

Hi Matt

> > Hiya everybody,
> > when I download my mail I notice that my hard
> > drive space is filling up, but when I clean up database my hard drive
> > space is still the same, how do I reclaim the space where the deleted
> > messages where?

> That would never happen on FFS unless it was corrupted.

> If you're using PFS, check your "deleted files" hidden folder, and get rid
> of the files inside. You might want to change the number of files
> that this
> directory holds somehow - I don't know whether you have to reformat to
> do that though.. (you do for SFS)

> > I'm using Genisis and Microdot-II.

> I think they could be part of the problem - Microdot-II is nasty ;)

Deleting the messages from the deleted folder is not enough to flush them
out in Microdot. One of the menus contains a "compact mailboxes" or similar
command. This will work through the microdot messages and kill them. The
space is then released back to the drive.

... Having RTFM it`s "Cleanup Database" in the Microdot Menu, and if you`ve
got a lot of dead wood it could take a few minutes to run, but it`s nice to
watch the reclaimed space counter rise :)

I could never understand why Microdot (which I happen to like *a lot*)
didn`t do this automatically, as I don`t think you can reclaim them :/

Hope this helps.

Anthony W. Prime
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The Most Expensive Thing You Can Haul Is An Empty Trailer.

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