AmigaActive (1761/2249)

From:Matthew Garrett
Date:23 Jul 2000 at 16:48:25
Subject:Re: Spam

On Sun, Jul 23, 2000 at 04:18:45PM +0000, Andrew Guard wrote:

> Have look and you probley see a pic link in there with a silly long number.
> You are the only one with that number. They dont have million of images
> with silly name but it is system which only has 1 image but get assigned to
> anything with in that draw. This can all be done in Apache rather easly
> which informs a database about your successful reading of this spam. Now
> they know that is a valied e-mail address also that you are ready from it.

The silly long number is, in fact, almost always a method of making it
harder to work out the address of the server that the spam is
advertising. Dotted quad IP addresses can be written as a single 4 byte
number instead, and the file path section of the URL can be expressed in
ascii digits rather than in plain text. In general, spammers don't care
whether or not an address is valid. Any sort of checking system would cost
significantly more time than simply sending the spam to all those
addresses anyway.

Matthew Garrett |

It's the End Of The Line for My Shipping Broker.

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