AmigaActive (1658/2249)

Date:21 Jul 2000 at 22:53:39
Subject:Re: Porting MySQL database engine to AmigaOS for 68K/PPC systems

Hello Matt

On 20-Jul-00, you wrote:

> Anyone who thinks it *is* should be shot :)
> Silicon and wires don't make a religion. Religion relies on mysticism and
> faith. There's nothing "mystical" about the Amiga. There's nothing to be
> faithful to. Hence, not a religion.
> It does have a kind of Jehovah's Witness kind of feel to it though, with
> Amigans (spit) knocking on doors every five minutes trying to get people
> to convert.
> Give up Christmas? No WAY! :)
> Thanks
As an ex Jehovah's Witness (I've been disfellowshiped) I can only say in
this case that you have not got any idea about what you are talking about .
In fact if I could think of a good cussing phrase to Damm you so far to
hell that they would need a radio telescope to locate you I would but your
attitude leaves me speechless. *U and the shelat you rode in on.

Forget the Klingons off the starboard bow,
the efing BORG are behind us.

The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
the first one was useless.
-- Chamfort

It's the End Of The Line for My Shipping Broker.

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