AmigaActive (1145/2249)

Date:11 Jul 2000 at 15:50:44
Subject:Re: PC on a CARD

Hello Kresimir

>> Is there such a thing as a PC on a card that fits in big box amigas using
>> spare ISA slot or summat? just seen an Ad on Amibench but havn't heard of
>> anything like it before...
> I remember a few years back that there was a person here in Australia who
> bought himself an industrial PC card that could fit into the ISA slots.
> ISA slots were (with some mod's) just used to power the card. The Cards
> usually have inbuilt GFX abilities and networking abilities.

What are they like? Aparently there is a 25mhz version of a 486 but hey! its
gotta be better than pc task no? any one used one? opinions?



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