3DWorld (83/272)

From:Jacek Rzeuski
Date:8 May 2000 at 20:28:06
Subject:Re: Monthly FAQ post


On 08-May-00, Robbin Van Ooy wrote:

RVO>>> Heh, I take it he's off this list then? :)
RVO>>> In that case, Im back :^)
RVO>> I would guess he's been kicked out of any list by now. He might even
RVO>> manage to get kicked from his own list...

RVO> He's still on mine, but hasnt said a word in months :)

On mine too but sometimes speaks sensible ;-)

Kind regards

Jacek Rzeuski (jrzeuski@neptun.gdansk.tpsa.pl) ICQ # 15729819

A1200T 3.1 040/33 603e/266 SCSI BV 21" monitor 3xHD CD modem

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