3DWorld (82/272)

From:Erik D�rnbach
Date:8 May 2000 at 20:11:42
Subject:Re: BlizzPPC Flashupdate

Hello Peter,

>> "Ooops:-)..the final warp protection was too final:-) Now it`s hidden
>> smarter..."
>> strange, huh?
> not really... and this explains why i can't use wos any more :(((
> and nobody answered my question :(((

sorry, i just flushed my mailinglist archives yesterday, but i=B4m sure i
never saw a flashupdate-problem-post by you (mmh, i could be wrong aswell=

anyway, did you try a reflash with an older version, like 30-mar-99?
that=B4s the one i=B4m still using.

some ppl on the list said they use the newest one and have no problems!?

