3DWorld (67/272)

Date:5 May 2000 at 07:52:34
Subject:Re: BlizzPPC Flashupdate Problem!

Hello Christopher

On 04-Maj-00, you wrote:
=> SCSI devices hooked to the PPC's SCSI, try without the
=> SCSI and without the Checksum Error Patch. I believe that the SChecksum
=> Error only applies to the stuff that is on the PPC's SCSI
=> Hope this helps,

Then I get a lot of errors :( , even I can't run HereticII because I get an
error on each dos command.

I can Turn off Scsi patch with checksum Error on then I get also a lot of
errors on each dos command but I can run more things like Heretic.
But for example when I type "version" command in cli I get:
(this is with all dos commands and onlu with those flash roms)

Task...:0x5670FD06 "version"
Error.: 0x80000004 (DEADEND)
By....: System
Cause.: Illegal instruction




-= TM_DAG =-

E-mail: tmdag@poczta.wp.pl

A1200T PPC603 200MHz with 040/25MHz

BVisionPPC 8MB, 64MB