3DWorld (52/272)

Date:3 May 2000 at 18:44:44
Subject:Possible solution to the "Geiss on Amiga" problem ;)


i've got c++ sources of a 'cooler than geiss' winamp plugin called G-Force
(maybe u know it..), using the same base effect (sorta Waveform & Dots
distorted by varius delta-fields (the thing u call blur, but that is really
flexible thingy ;) but erm.. cooler ;) Ok, the colors are bit stange
sumtimez but u could change 'em if u recompile... I wanna do that on my own
(just to bring coolest plugin to miggy ;), but i'm not that familiar with
c++ and i'm a bit out of time this month, so i could send the sources to
everyone who would do... (maybe we could do it together.. i've got storm
dsk... the sources are .zip with of a mac and win port of that thingy,
which bring advantages in porting them, but the fact that it's a
codewarrior project makes it harder for me as i dunno nothing about this
strange resource files in it (and there is no makefile ;) but it's very

So let's do it.. this thing is a must.. 8)


"I am a lifeform that was born in a sea of information."
Project 2501, "Ghost in the Shell"