3DWorld (266/272)

From:Timo Bu�haus
Date:31 May 2000 at 01:59:47
Subject:Re: warp3d still wont work for me :O(

Hello Steve

On 30-Mai-00, you wrote:

> Timo Bu=DFhaus wrote:

>> I=B4m using CGX3 and everything works fine. Hmm, well not exactly
>> everything... I sometimes get vertical stripes in some windows. Don=B4=
>> know where they come from. Maybe someone else knows?

> Permedia2 overheating probably

I don=B4t think so, its a DCE-one with cooler and its in a tower.


c u!
Timo Bu=DFhaus
A1200T BPPC 603@200MHz 68040@25MHz 80 MB FAST 2 MB CHIP BVPPC
OS 3.1 ppc.library 46.31 powerpc.library 15.0