3DWorld (261/272)

From:Steve Hodson
Date:30 May 2000 at 21:15:18
Subject:Re: bppcfix

Steven Dobbs wrote:

> Hello people,
> it has been mentioned that something called bppcfix is important. I couldnt
> find it on aminet. could somebody tell me where to download it from or
> else, even better, email it to me?
> cheers. maby that could solve my warp3d problems.

Warp3D will not work without WarpUp as far as I know (even the 68k
versions....hmmm) - maybe this is conjecture?

So if the ppc.lib is not terminating properly this could be the entire problem.

bppcfix...no idea. Works perfectly on my CSPPCs/CVPPCs
