3DWorld (228/272)

From:Jacek Rzeuski
Date:29 May 2000 at 18:51:06
Subject:Re: warp3d still wont work for me :O(


On 29-May-00, Mark Olsen wrote:

MO> Don't. DirectX is hell, Win32 is hell. Suck a** API's for sure. Vbcc
MO> could be used if you don't wanna pay for a compiler. Gcc is an option
MO> to, but is hell more difficult to install as there are no docs
MO> whatsoever and all files are spread over 16 different ftp servers.

What??? Installing GCC is as simple as I can imagine. Just unpack all
archives to GG: directory. Obtaining it is also easy as all files reside on
every GeekGadgets mirror. I moved from SAS/C to GCC and the only problems
were with tuning up GCC invocation in makefiles.

Kind regards

Jacek Rzeuski (jrzeuski@neptun.gdansk.tpsa.pl) ICQ # 15729819

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