3DWorld (219/272)

From:Gareth Murfin
Date:28 May 2000 at 15:14:51
Subject:Re: warp3d still wont work for me :O(

*** On 28-May-00, Kryten, the service mechanoid told me that I had received
mail from Peter McGavin. The contents of which was as follows :- ***

> Steven Dobbs <steven.dobbs@cableinet.co.uk> wrote:
>> I dont understand this everybody, my system is totaly basic apart from mui,
>> then I've got all the latest files, warp3d v3, warpup v4, and my
>> cybergraphics+bvisionppc installation should be fine too as I've only just
>> recently got it. I installed the 040 version of cybergraphics and have
>> followed eveybodies instructions I feel to the letter. And yet, I still
>> cannot get warptest to display any texture graphics. my stormesa program
>> wont create a zbuffer. I've got all the hardware and software that
>> everybody else has, yet it still will not run. does anybody else have any
>> ideas?

do you have :

run >nil: c:bppcfix install reboot ; turn off PowerUp

as the first line of your startup?.. slows boot time immensley but worked a
treat when I was having the exact same probs.


Gareth Murfin,

Proprietor of Alpha Software : Specialists in software and website design
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