3DWorld (211/272)

From:Lars Nygard
Date:28 May 2000 at 23:50:14
Subject:Re: warp3d still wont work for me :O(

Den 28-Maj-00, skrev Steven Dobbs:


>I dont understand this everybody, my system is totaly basic apart from m=
>then I've got all the latest files, warp3d v3, warpup v4, and my
>cybergraphics+bvisionppc installation should be fine too as I've only ju=
>recently got it. I installed the 040 version of cybergraphics and have
>followed eveybodies instructions I feel to the letter. And yet, I still
>cannot get warptest to display any texture graphics. my stormesa program
>wont create a zbuffer. I've got all the hardware and software that
>everybody else has, yet it still will not run. does anybody else have an=

>Steven Dobbs

I have gone through a very similar "hell" with Warp3D, BVision and CGX3 w=
the recommended versions of all software.=20
I recognize just seeing the red ribbons you describe in the engine(?)demo=
, the
zbuffer error etc. After months of fiddling with env-variables and more, =
gave up and bought Cybergraphx V4 and MAGIC it worked instantly. So I can=
recommend you to get CGX4, it sure worked for me!

Regards Lars
Lars Nyg=E5rd - A1200T 603e200MHz, 32M, BVisionPPC