3DWorld (203/272)

From:steven dobbs
Date:27 May 2000 at 15:05:32
Subject:Re: warp3d problems - WarpTest

Hello DJNick

On 27-May-00, you wrote:

> Hello steven
> On 27-May-00, steven dobbs wrote:
>>> Well you will also need in BVisionPPC driver all these settings
>>> in IconInfo:
>> There werent any tooltypes in the info, but I've put them in and it has
>> made no positive difference, I'm affraid :|
>> any more suggestions? :o)
> Yep. BVisionPPC driver must be version at least: V4.1 (15. march 1999).
> Don't now if there is newer versions (and if yes, what they improve) but
> with this one everything works perfectly. If you don't have it I can send
> you this little file on private email address.

it says version 2.8. Please send me your drivers, perhaps it'll work. i
hope. If it does then I'll phone up whiteknight and make sure they know
about it as I imagine hundreds of others will have had the same problem,
and actually a fair number probably havent managed to even get the damn
thing to work at any level.

steven dobbs