3DWorld (186/272)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:26 May 2000 at 15:02:59
Subject:Re: bvision problem fixed :O)


> just saying that I`ve got it working. It is somewhat irritating that it
> required so much fiddling. I installed a pc gfx card without problems, =
> then I didnt now what a PCI slot looked like.

8-) i havent read my home email - so tel me, what was the problem? did m=
my advice help you out?

> wow, isnt it nice having a gfx card, it cost a rediculous amount of mon=
> though considering the age of the tech and the weakness of the euro. =A3=
195 -
> now I can think about some proper 3d coding.

well, the first step to do is remove any other AGA kludge stuff you have,
and then set up a nice hires workbench and have Birdie running. Then sit
back and watch some OpenGL demos with hardware rendering in action (i lik=
skyfly quite a bit) for 1/2 hour - and then do the coding you've been
waiting for.

i see the price has gone up. My BVision was 145. and yes, it is old
technology compared to the GeForce's and TNT2's of this world but its the
best we've got and only a few people have started stretching it to its li=
(nod to the Hyperion crew here ;-) )
