3DWorld (176/272)

From:Gareth Murfin
Date:25 May 2000 at 13:52:25
Subject:Re: Ports

*** On 25-May-00, Kryten, the service mechanoid told me that I had receiv=
mail from Andrew Barker. The contents of which was as follows :- ***

> While were on the subject of ports like Sin, Heretic II, etc...
> Has anyone approcached Blizzard for a licence to port Diablo 1 & 2 ?

I always wanted to Port Resident Evil 1 to the Amiga. A while ago I asked=
if they could gt me the rights but they said it was going to be over
=A310,000.. I wonder now if it would be any cheaper. Id really love to po=
rt it
to warpos/warp3d.. if anyone has any idea about getting these rights, id =
to hear from them. maybe there's some existing src out on the net somewhe=
re I
could play around with?



Gareth Murfin,

Proprietor of Alpha Software : Specialists in software and website design
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