3DWorld (171/272)

From:Mark Olsen
Date:24 May 2000 at 19:21:21
Subject:Re: bvision trouble

Hello Steven

On 24-May-00, you wrote:

> I was thinking of that, but looking in screenmode prefs there is just my old
> screen modes there and no
> new ones. I know there is cgxmode, but that doesnt seem to do anything
> either. Is that whats supposed to create these new screenmodes? you c, I
> had it installed, tried that, then it started saying it couldnt find a
> library. I new the library was there, so I rebooted, and it hung at the
> loading screen, again.

You will have to find a suitable monitor in cgxmode, or type in the correct
values. Some monitors come with preset screenmodes, if not, create them
