3DWorld (127/272)

Date:12 May 2000 at 14:50:19
Subject:Re: BlizzPPC Flashupdate

Hello Erik

On 10-May-00, Erik D=F6rnbach wrote:
> Am 09-Mai-00 schrieb DJNick:
>> Just a sec, to make things clear: I installed & flashed my rom with th=
>> latest flash update (only because it was needed for Voyager's ShockWav=
>> ppc plugin)...
>> But, is with this flashrom possible to run WOS program without termina=
>> PPC? And then, quit WOS program / game and start PPC program again?
> hum, i don=B4t know about that new flashupdate from feb or march 2000, =
> with the one from march 30 1999 it works... for example i can start
> frodoPPC (PowerUP) AND frodoWOS (WOS ;) at the same time and they both =

Hmm. You must have installed PPCLibe emulator?

> without major problems (although a bit slow, 2 C64 is a bit much for my
> 603/240 =3D) )... or take myzar with the powerup client, it always sits=
> the background and munches rc5 blocks, while i load pictures via my war=
> datatypes, well, all without one single termination requester!
> the trick is simple, kick out the whole ROM-powerup library with bppcfi=
x on
> bootup, and install powerup emulation library, read the docs to set the=
> correctly and *magic* it works!

Ah! I thought so :)

I tried PPCLib emulator and it works perfectly! Finally NO reboot between=
& PPC...

But the only ONE thing is missing - emulation for CandyFactoryPro PPC (I =
every day for work) :(((( So, until Candy2 or something 'fixed' is releas=
ed, I
can't go completelly to WOS :(

The same means for FantasticDreams... It also don't work under the WOS em=

p.s. I also heard from Audiolabs (authors of excellent but very very expe=
professional tool for music - ProStationAudio) that their program does NO=
work too :(((( under the WOS... Well - it works, but 80% slower
(ProStationAudio uses PPC for realtime DSP)...

Looks I'll never switch to WOS :(


D.J.Nick | D-Tronic, Sindjeliceva 11/8, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia (YU)

Tel: +381 (0) 14 223 655 Email: DJNick@ptt.yu ICQ: 13794052

personal: http://members.xoom.com/djnick2k

agency: http://www.crosswinds.net/~amigads

Amiga1200T PPC 603e 166mhz 060/50, BlizzardVision 8MB,

64MB; 5.1 & 1.1GB HDs; Sony 12X CDRom; 33.6K modem;

17" DTK mon; MIDI; Prelude1200 soundcard; HP 6L printer