3DWorld (122/272)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:11 May 2000 at 13:27:31
Subject:Re: Deathrial PPC demo

> Hi Timothy
> > To end the discussion of Heretic2 is slow or not, we coudl try to find
> > someone with a Graphix Blaster
> > Extreme video card from 3dlabs, and try that on a P166 or P233, my money is
> > on the Amiga version btw.
> You may want to have a look on: http://www2.ravensoft.com/users/jscott/timings.htm.
> That says all, I guess. :(

eh? You obviously misread!!!!!!!!!11

this page is VERY VERY good news!!

On a PII-400 with an 8Mb AGP PermediaII, this guy was getting frame rates
much lower than I get at the same resolutions with my BlizzardPPC+BVision

wow! I am impressed with you guys at Hyperion! 8-)
