3DWorld (118/272)

Date:11 May 2000 at 00:18:08
Subject:Re: Deathrial PPC demo

Hello Timothy

On 08-May-00, Timothy DeGreat wrote:
> Hi,
> probably not really 3D HW related but have a look at the latest
> party-demo from Mankind, very nice even with HW rendering.
> Wonder how HW rendering version would look like.
> Here is the link:
> http://tex.mankind.free.fr/ManKinD/demos/MKD_DeathTrial.lha
> Any comments would be nice, i think it's GREAT.

WHOAH!!! Thanx for the link. 2day I downloaded it & play! What a great s
croll! It is very fast! :))

I liked it a lot! Actually, I didn't like it THAT much (to say 'WOW'), maybe
because I 'addicted' to see OpenGL or Warp3D demos these days :)
but all in all - worth to look!!

I was always wondering - why those guys from Mankind spent '4 years' (!!!!
thats what writes in txt) for making a demo, when they can try & make great
3D game (and amiga only ;) using their excellent textures!!!

Hyperion, what about contacting Manking & asking if they're interested
in programming job? :))


D.J.Nick | D-Tronic, Sindjeliceva 11/8, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia (YU)

Tel: +381 (0) 14 223 655 Email: DJNick@ptt.yu ICQ: 13794052

personal: http://members.xoom.com/djnick2k

agency: http://www.crosswinds.net/~amigads

Amiga1200T PPC 603e 166mhz 060/50, BlizzardVision 8MB,

64MB; 5.1 & 1.1GB HDs; Sony 12X CDRom; 33.6K modem;

17" DTK mon; MIDI; Prelude1200 soundcard; HP 6L printer