3DWorld (116/272)

From:Timothy DeGreat
Date:10 May 2000 at 05:38:12
Subject:Re: Deathrial PPC demo

>From: Mark Olsen <BIGFoot@Private.dk>
>Reply-To: 3dworld-list@haage-partner.com
>To: 3dworld-list@haage-partner.com
>Subject: [3DWorld] Re: Deathrial PPC demo
>Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 00:55:20 +0100
>Hello Hans-Joerg
>On 09-May-00, you wrote:
> > On Tue, 9 May 2000, Mark Olsen wrote:
> > Say, why are you so fixed on being called an asshole?
My rather strange nick also has a weird origin, i called myself Simple
because everyong laughed at me and called me stupid because i loved my
Commodore64, so i got used that that. With Amiga i kept it and when i bought
a PPC and
the nick simple was already used in this Hotmail, i chose SimplePPC :))

Funny; but it seems i missed the reactions to the Mankind demo, some
postings didn't get here ?

Has anyone who has a 60Mhz bus on his PPC like the 240Mhz models for A1200
tried to change the
oscillator to a 66 Mhz one ? PPC would run at 266 Mhz then and Bvision
bussppeed should be 66 Mhz
then which is a 10 % bus speed increase, for the Heretic2 'i want a little
more framerate' freask out

As BPPC/CSPPC bus is PCI bus with weird connector, maybe 'someone' will ever
make a Permedia3
or even better GFX-card add-on, would this make a lot of difference to speed

To end the discussion of Heretic2 is slow or not, we coudl try to find
someone with a Graphix Blaster
Extreme video card from 3dlabs, and try that on a P166 or P233, my money is
on the Amiga version btw.

ok, so HOW did you like the demo i mentioned ?



PS: de great = de groote when written in dutch but hotmail cannot accept
words with 'root' in them it seems
'de groote' does. Funny, weird....

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