3DWorld (110/272)

From:Paul Qureshi
Date:10 May 2000 at 18:08:00
Subject:Enfore demo available

Mr. Narozny informs me that there is now a demo of Enforce available on
Aminet. There are two versions, 0.1 is stable(ish) and 0.2 is less
stable but faster and supports 3D hardware.

You need at least AGA and an 040 to really get anything from this demo.
Apparently Pavel claims a ZIII PIV/060 will get 100fps in 320x200, but
don't hold your breath :)

Enforce will never be finished now, the programmers have given up on
the project. The demo is a last offering.


| Ami3D....www.mc68k.btinternet.co.uk | Asm..C..Blitz2 |
| email...paul.qureshi@btinternet.com | Intel..Outside |