3DWorld (106/272)

From:Hans-Joerg Frieden
Date:10 May 2000 at 16:29:41
Subject:Re: Deathrial PPC demo

On Wed, 10 May 2000 sgurkan@superonline.com wrote:

> Is it possible to hide Corvus in Heretic2 and play it like
> Quake games ?...Can someone write such a patch..does the
> engine support it ?

Yeah, actually it is. There is a hidden First Person mode...

Of course the engine supports it, its a Quake 2 engine, the same
engine that is used in such prominent FPS games like Quake 2
(obviously), SiN, Half-Life and Soldier of Fortune.

To activate the FPS mode, you will have to set a few variables. I
can't remember them ATM, they all start with cl_camera_... something I
think, You might try just entering the cl_camera in the console and
press TAB a few times to cycles through them...

Best Regards, Hans-Joerg.

Hans-Joerg Frieden | "Just a few miles west of Crazy,
HansJoergF@hyperion-software.de | a stone's throw away from Tear,
http://www.hyperion-software.de/ | Oh so close to Normal,
Private: hfrieden@uni-trier.de | But I can't get there from here."
(including Warp3D, ADescent, Abuse) | Lisa Brokop, "West of Crazy"