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 -- Command: request ID/K, TITLE/K, GADGETS/K, FILE/K, STRING/F
     This command will bring up a standard `MUI' requester.  Note that
     this command is syncronous.  That is once it is issued it will not
     return a result until the user has selected a gadget.  Once a
     gadget has been selected then a number will be returned in the
     `ARexx' variable RESULT (assuming `options results' was specified
     in the script). The first gadget will return a 1, the second a 2,
     and so on.  The last gadget, however, will return a 0 (this is by
     convention since the last gadget is typically a CANCEL or
     equivilent gadget).

        * ID - this argument specifies a window ID.  If specified then
          the requester will be centered in the window.

        * TITLE - this argument specifies the requester title (placed
          in the title bar of the requester window).

        * GADGETS - this argument specifies the gadget labels.  The
          labels are given as a single string with a vertical bar, |
          used to separate each label.  Additionally, each label can
          contain an underscore, _ prior to any character.  The
          character will be the keyboard shortcut to activate the
          associated gadget.

        * FILE - if given, this argument specifies the file to get the
          contents for the requester.  All line breaks in the file will
          be included.  Note that this argument overrides the STRING

        * STRING - this argument specifies the string to display in the

     Example use of this command:

          request ID MDIR GADGETS '"OK|Cancel"' '"Delete selected entries?"'