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   This is Edition 5 of the MUIRexx documentation,
30 March 1997, for MUIRexx Version 3.0.

Author: Russ Leighton <rleighto@violin.calpoly.edu>

  Update Information            Read this first.
  Introduction                  A brief encounter.
  Registration                  My plea for support.
  Installation                  Pretty simple actually.

  Command Reference             The mysteries revealed.

  Utilities                     A little help goes along way.

  Example Macro                 Just to peak your interest.

  Command-Port Options          Where the action's at.
  MUI Format Sequences          Making fancy text strings.
  MUI Image Specifications      How to get little MUI images.
  MUI List Format               How to get your lists to look just right.
  Attribute TAGs                Now to really complicate things...

  MagicUserInterface            The heart of MUIRexx.
  Acknowledgements              Could not have done it without you.

  History                       What has been done so far.

  Concept Index                 Look it up here.
  Command Index                 Where is that command anyway?