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 -- Command: application ATTRS/K/M
     This command allows attributes to be set and retrieved for the
     application object.

        * ATTRS [ISG] - with this option any MUIA attribute TAGs may be
          set or retrieved (see Attribute TAGs).

     Some useful TAGs for use with this command are:

          TAG_Name =                        TAG_id          Flags Type
          Application_Active =              0x804260ab /* V4  isg BOOL */
          Application_Author =              0x80424842 /* V4  i.g STRPTR */
          Application_Base =                0x8042e07a /* V4  i.g STRPTR */
          Application_Copyright =           0x8042ef4d /* V4  i.g STRPTR */
          Application_Description =         0x80421fc6 /* V4  i.g STRPTR */
          Application_DoubleStart =         0x80423bc6 /* V4  ..g BOOL */
          Application_Iconified =           0x8042a07f /* V4  .sg BOOL */
          Application_Sleep =               0x80425711 /* V4  .s. BOOL */
          Application_Title =               0x804281b8 /* V4  i.g STRPTR */
          Application_Version =             0x8042b33f /* V4  i.g STRPTR */
          Note: Consult MUI:Developer/Autodocs/MUI_Application.doc and

     Example use of this command:

          application ATTRS Application_Iconified TRUE      /* forces iconification */
          application ATTRS Application_Version
          say result