You can specify images to be inserted in the center of certain dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Tax Day, etc. Some images can be inserted whether or not a highlight is inserted on that date. Only one image can be inserted for a given day.

When used with PageStream, FWCalendar needs to know the type of the images to be used; when used with Final Writer, FWCalendar needs to be know the image dimensions. You can define the graphics application you want to use to determine this information by defining four variables in your preference file. Included below are the values of the variables for: Visage by Magnus Holmgren; ImageDTInfo by D�maso Dom�nguez; and PicSize by Ralph Reuchlein. Each of these applications is available from Aminet. Visage is used as the default application since it has been the required application up to FWCalendar v3.76. If you would like to see another application supported, contact me.

Encapsulated Postscript images (in Adobe Illustrator-compatible format) can be used with PageStream. The images must be identified as type "Post" by datatypes for them to be inserted properly. Postscript capability can be added to your datatypes-compatible Amiga with PostScriptDT.lha by Swen Stullich used with post.library by Adrian Aylward. Important: this datatype will only recognize Postscript files if they have the ".ps" suffix.

The variables used are:
GfxApp The name of the graphics application you want to use
   For Visage, GfxApp = 'Visage'
   For ImageDTInfo, GfxApp = 'ImageDTInfo'
   For PicSize, GfxApp = 'PicSize'
GfxAppPath The : or / terminated path to the graphics application defined above. Don't include the application name with the path!
GfxCmd The template used in calling the graphics application from the shell
   For Visage, GfxCmd = '%s info'
   For ImageDTInfo, GfxCmd = '%s'
   For PicSize, GfxCmd = '%s "%t %w %h"'
GfxTemplate The template used in parsing the graphic application's output. Note that it is very important that the values for these variables be included in single quotes, and that any separator symbols by surrounded by double quotes.
   For Visage, GfxTemplate = '. "0a"x . ImgDT ImgWidth "x" ImgHeight "x" .'
   For ImageDTInfo, GfxTemplate = 'ImgDT "-" ImgWidth "x" ImgHeight "x" .'
   For ImageDTInfo, GfxTemplate = 'ImgDT ImgWidth ImgHeight "0a"x'

Image Classes - Image classes are defined in the upper part of the preferences file, above the /* End Pass One - DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!!! */ line.

Image classes can be defined for frequently occurring events such as birthdays and anniversaries. The variable stem is ImageClass., and the variable itself must match a word that will be used in the highlight (for example, ImageClass.Birthday will define the image to be used for all highlights containing the word "Birthday", and ImageClass.Anniversary will define the image to be used for all highlights containing the word "Anniversary"). The value of the variable is the file name (with or without path, as discussed below) of the image to be used.

If the image is stored in an "Images" directory found in the same directory as the FWCalendar macro, then only the image's file name need be given. If the image is stored elsewhere, then the image's full path and file name must be given.

Images are normally printed in the center of the date box. If you would like to shift the image, the shift parameters can be defined as part of the image-file definition. The template for an image variable is:

ImageClass.<Class> = "<File> [,<x shift> [,<y shift>]]"

where the shifts are in inches.

For an image (found in the "Images" directory in the same directory as FWCalendar) to be used for all birthdays:

ImageClass.Birthday = "Birthday.iff"

The "Birthday.iff" image will be inserted on all days that have a highlight with the word "Birthday" in it.

To shift the image a quarter inch to the right and up a tenth of an inch, the entry would be:

ImageClass.Birthday = "Birthday.iff, 0.25, -0.1"

For an image (found in some other directory) to be used for all anniversaries:

ImageClass.Anniversary = "WB:IFF/Anniversary.iff"

The "WB:IFF/Anniversary.iff" image will be inserted on all days that have a highlight with the word "Anniversary" in it.

Specific Images - Images for specific dates are defined in the lower part of the preferences file, below the /* End Pass One - DO NOT DELETE TH IS LINE!!! */ line.

Images can be set for specific dates. The format for specifying image dates is similar to that used for noting highlight dates. Images can be set for fixed or floating dates, and don't require any highlight text to be set for that date. See Highlights for detail about the arguments.

Fixed-date - Images can be set for fixed-date highlights such as Christmas and New Year's Day. The variable format is the same as used for fixed-date highlights, with the keyword "Image" substituted for the highlight's "Highlight" keyword. In the following example, 'Christmas.iff' is the image's file name (used when the image is located in the "Images" directory within the same directory as the one in which FWCalendar is located).

12Image.12.25 = "Christmas.iff"

Floating - Images can be set for floating-date highlights such as Mother's Day and Thanksgiving. The variable format is the same as used for floating-date highlights, with the keyword CalculateImage substituted for the highlight's CalculateDate keyword. In the following example, "WB:IFF/MothersDay.iff" is the image's path and file name (necessary because the image is not located in the "Images" directory within the same directory as the one in which FWCalendar is located).

05CalculateImage(5, "Monday", 14, "WB:IFF/MothersDay.iff")

Monthly - Images for monthly events can be included by setting the month equal to 13.

End-of-month - Images for events that always fall on the last day of the month can be included by setting the day equal to 32.

Non-weekend - Images for events that always fall on a weekday can be included by putting an N (if the event will fall on the next weekday) or a P (if the event will fall on the preceeding weekday) after the date. This can be combined with the end-of-month, monthly, and floating-highlight possibilities.