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Serial (15)

Seems to be available at a 14.4kbps modem called Speedster.

     2   4   6      10  12  14
- [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -
   1   3   5   7 8 9  11  13  15  


15 PIN FEMALE ??? at the modem.

Pin Name RS232 Dir Description
1 GROUND GND --- Ground
2 SUSP#   ?  
3 COMBDSR# DSR --> Data Set Ready
4 COMBRTS# RTS <-- Request to Send
5 COMBCTS# CTS --> Clear to Send
6 COMBRI# RI --> Ring Indicator
7 n/c   ?  
8 GROUND GND --- Ground
9 +5VIN   <-- +5V DC In
10 COMBDTR# DTR <-- Data Terminal Ready
11 COMBDCD# CD --> Carrier Detect
12 COMBTXD TXD <-- Transmit Data
13 COMBRXD RXD --> Receive Data
14 SPKDATA   ?  
15 GROUND GND --- Ground
Contributor: Joakim �gren, Joerg Brinkel
Source: ?
Please send any comments to Joakim �gren.