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36 PIN CENTRONICS FEMALE at the Printer.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 /STROBE <-- Strobe
2 D0 <-> Data Bit 0
3 D1 <-> Data Bit 1
4 D2 <-> Data Bit 2
5 D3 <-> Data Bit 3
6 D4 <-> Data Bit 4
7 D5 <-> Data Bit 5
8 D6 <-> Data Bit 6
9 D7 <-> Data Bit 7
10 /ACK --> Acknowledge
11 BUSY --> Busy
12 POUT --> Paper Out
13 SEL --> Select
14 /AUTOFEED <-- Autofeed
15 n/c - Not used
16 0 V --- Logic Ground
17 CHASSIS GND --- Shield Ground
18 +5 V PULLUP --> +5 V DC (50 mA max)
19 GND --- Signal Ground (Strobe Ground)
20 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 0 Ground)
21 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 1 Ground)
22 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 2 Ground)
23 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 3 Ground)
24 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 4 Ground)
25 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 5 Ground)
26 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 6 Ground)
27 GND --- Signal Ground (Data 7 Ground)
28 GND --- Signal Ground (Acknowledge Ground)
29 GND --- Signal Ground (Busy Ground)
30 /GNDRESET --- Reset Ground
31 /RESET <-- Reset
32 /FAULT --> Fault (Low when offline)
33 0 V --- Signal Ground
34 n/c - Not used
35 +5 V --> +5 V DC
36 /SLCT IN <-- Select In (Taking low or high sets printer on line or off line respectively)
Note: Direction is Printer relative Computer.
Contributor: Joakim �gren, Peter Korsgaard, Petr Krc
Source: ?
Please send any comments to Joakim �gren.