Iron Helix

Iron Helix: You can play this on a stock 040, maybe even a fast 030. Runs great on the Warp Engine. This one is similar to Skyborg in that the pictures are all still-images. You move forward in steps, and the picture dissolves to the new viewpoint. (Well, in Iron Helix there are a few frames blended to show movement forward; not a bad game)


Iron Helix: Adventure Game. You are a robot who has been dispatched to a ship which has been infected with a deadly virus. The crew is dead, but a Doomsday Device, code-named Iron Helix, is still on board. The ship's main computer has taken control of the ship and will deploy the Iron Helix device when the ship reaches it's destination. You must stop the ship's computer before this happens, otherwise an intergalactic war will result. Gameplay consists mostly of exploring the many passageways of the ship while avoiding the security robot. Your view is updated with each step, with a short video segment, but otherwise the display is static. You must collect DNA samples from the former crew in order to access various terminals and doors. Published by Spectrum Holobyte.


Tested on:
A4000 with Macro-System's WARP ENGINE '040 running at 40 Mhz Cybervision-64 (4-meg) Toshiba 6.7 speed SCSI-II CD-ROM Amiga OS 3.1

Tested by: Adam Burns