webPlug Small logo
An HTML editor for the Amiga

About the author & some greetz

Please send ideas, bug report, registrations, gifts, criticisms, etc to:

Esteve Boix Sánchez
Av.Bases de Manresa 14, 1-1a
08240 Manresa, Barcelona

My email address is:stv@minorisa.es
You can find me sometimes in the IRCs (#amigacafe and #iberamiga in Undernet), with the nickname 'Stv'.
You'll find information, updates and news of webPlug and all my other programs for the Amiga in my homepage, http://www2.minorisa.es/~stv.
This page also contains a link to webPlug distribution in LZX format.

My thanks go to (hey, no particular order):

Brave betatesters:
Fredrik Zetterlund, Philip Goddar, Christian Kemp, Victor Garcia Valero, Ángel Alvarez, Victor Carceler, Klaus 'kmel' Melchior and Fabio Rotondo.

Special thanks go to...
...all the people that has registered webPlug.

This program uses (and/or wouldn't be here without)...
AmigaE Compiler by Wouter van Oortmerssen
SAS/C Development System
MUI � Stefan Stuntz
TextEditor & BetterString � Allan Odgaard. The distribution of these classes is only granted with webPlug v1.4+. For more information, please visit http://www.DIKU.dk/students/duff
Busy.mcc � Klaus 'kmel' Melchior
(who's left ?)

I've written webPlug using AmigaE v3.2e/3.3a, from Wouter van Oortmerssen, and the SAS/C Development System (v6.58). These HTML docs have been, of course, created using webPlug, and they have been tested on AWeb ©Yvon Rozijn, VoyagerNG ©Oliver Wagner, IBrowse ©Omnipresence Intl., Netscape® and Internet Explorer.

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