Amiga Revival
New and Used Amiga Dealer, Lancaster, UK
[Site Last Updated 20th March 2000]

Best Viewed in at least 800x600. Built by hand on A1200T PPC240 running OS3.5.

Latest Info...

Welcome to the redesigned Amiga Revival site. We hope you like the changes we've made - I'm sure you'll tell us if you don't! Navigation is pretty much the same as before, but we have for the first time included a link to a usergroup page. The reason for this is that we have finally managed to set one up in our local area! Its early days, but I'm sure it will grow and prosper - not least because we are offering discounts off our regular prices to regular attenders at meetings!

If this sounds good to you, and you are close enough to Lancaster to attend, why not get in touch for more information on joining. You know it makes sense!
Contact details are at the bottom of this page...

You will no doubt have heard by now about the demise of Amiga Format magazine. This is a real blow to the Amiga Community, and I for one am sad to see them go. DON'T give up on your Amiga because of this bombshell, though - we are so close to a better future that we can almost taste it, what with new machines being unveiled at the St Louis show. As for magazines, PLEASE give AmigActive from pinprint publishing your full support. The man at the helm is Andrew Korn (veteran of CU Amiga), and the quality is extremely high. Even though you have access to the news on the internet, the magazine has in depth analysis, tutorials and reviews, not to mention a CD full of all the latest and greatest, making it FANTASTIC value at the coverprice of �4.95. Pledge your support NOW! (Link to their site at the bottom of this page.)

Vaughn Atkinson, on behalf of Amiga Revival


We can be reached by email or conventional mail. PLEASE do not call round to our premises without prior arrangement! Offline versions of our pricelist are available by post. They will be supplied on disk in both html and plain text formats. If you require this service, please send an SAE (big enough to fit a disk) to the address below. If you are sending a cheque, please make it payable to V. Atkinson. Thanks.

Amiga Revival, 22 Severn Court, Lancaster. LA3 3ST

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