AmigaSoc UK
N e w s

Discounts available for UK user groups

As part of AmigaSoc's drive to get more people to join their local user group, we have been working closely with UK user groups in order to secure a discount from Amiga dealers in the UK. We hope that these discounts will entice Amiga users to join up and support their local user group whilst making some considerable savings. There's never been a better time to join a user group! To find your nearest user group, see our user groups page for an up-to-date list of user groups around the UK.

Note: The discounts will only be offered to representatives of user groups who have registered the name of their representative with AmigaSoc.

If you're an Amiga dealer and wish to offer discounts to user groups in the UK, or are from a user group and would like to register your group for the discount scheme then contact Chris Livermore.

The following companies have already agreed to participate in the scheme:
Fore-Matt Home Computing (Tel: 01793 853802)
10% discount on all items
See their advert in Amiga Yellow Pages
HiSoft Systems (Tel: 01525 718181)
25% discount off the normal price for ten or more items
White Knight Technologies (Tel: 01920 822 321)
5% off for 5 to 10 items
10% off for 10 items or more
Discounts can be greater if all items ordered are the same.
Crystal Software (Tel: 01992 505 803, E-Mail:
10% discount off the normal price
Amiga Survivor Magazine (E-Mail:
Additionally, registered user group representatives can enjoy Amiga Survivor Magazine for the ridiculously cheap price of £2.50! If more than 5 issues are ordered by one group, the price falls to £2.30.
Power Computing (Tel: 01234 851500)
5% (subject to the product being ordered)
Paul Nolan (E-Mail:
10% discount on Paul Nolan's leading art package, Photogenics 4.0
LH Publishing (E-Mail:
30% discount on the Amiga's most popular structured drawing package, DrawStudio 2.0 (with five or more purchases)

...and more are on the way!