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OS 3.5 AWeb-IISE Upgrades / New v3.3 copies Now Available!  NEW (March/2000)

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3.2 to 3.3 Update Patch (611576 bytes, 17 October 1999)  NEW

Some of the new features:

This is an incremental upgrade from AWeb-II 3.2 to 3.3, you should only use this patch over an existing AWeb-II 3.2 install. You will also need the original AWeb-II 3.x disks during the installation.

Here's all the other 3.3 updates:

NameVersionSize (bytes)Description
AutoSearch 3.0 10380 Enhances the AWeb 3.x autosearch function.
AWebNews 1.98 57697 AWeb News client.
CacheControl (3.3 only) 1.4 37180 A new GUI with advanced controls for AWeb's caching.
DropZone (3.3 only) 1.2 35437 Drag and Drop on WorkBench even if AWeb is on its own private screen.
HTTX 2.0 88965 HTML to TEXT converter
Netsearch 11918 Query multiple search engines.
Modes (3.3 only) 1.2 37131 Change various AWeb modes from a brand new GUI window.
ToolBar (3.3 only) 1.3 39408 Add a floating Tool Bar to control all your AWeb windows.
Translate 1.4 37308 Language translation plugin.
GIF plugin 1.8 16123
JFIF plugin 1.8 39674
PNG plugin 1.8 41284

AWeb 3.2 Upgrade ARexx Script (4k, 12 July 1998)

3.2 Update Feature List

This ARexx script will help determine which version of the AWeb 3.2 patch file is required to upgrade your installed version of AWeb. Expand this archive to your hard drive (not to RAM:) and start it from within AWeb using the Start ARexx Macro command under the ARexx menu. You must run the script while you are online, and it will give you a link to the correct update file to download from here.

You will need your original AWeb 3.x disks.

New in this version (compared with AWeb 3.1)

Updated news.aweblib (4k, 12 July 1998)

For AWeb 3.1 or earlier. A new version of aweblib/news.aweblib for all AWeb 3.x versions, fixes the bug that prevents the posting of new messages to a newsgroup. For those who haven't upgraded yet, this file is also included in the current 3.2 patch archive,

Updated Danish (Dansk) catalog for AWebCfg (4k, 9 May 1998)

The current catalog has a nasty bug ("never" instead of "always" in the cookie settings).

HTTX 2.0 (89k, 17 Oct 1999)

HTML to TEXT converter, by Gabriele Favrin (E-Mail: - FidoNet: 2:333/726.8)

AWeb-II 3.1 Patch File (680805 bytes, 14 Jan 1998)

Use this patch to update your AWeb-II 3.0 (or 3.0b) program to AWeb-II 3.1.

You must have installed AWeb-II version 3.0 (or 3.0b) previously before you can install this patch.

To install the patch, double-click the "Install-AWeb31" icon.

The installation procedure will need the original disks from the AWeb-II 3.0 (or 3.0b) distribution. After installation, you will have to enter the registration number (found in the distribution) and your name again the first time you run AWeb-II.

The installation procedure will give you the option of making a backup copy of the executables that are going to be changed. You can select a drawer where the existing files will be copied. If the installation fails for some reason, you can restore the previous version by copying the executables back to their original location.

New in this version (compared with AWeb 3.0b)

Previous Upgrades and Patch Files


awebgif.awebplugin 1.8 (16k, 17 Oct 1999)

The awebgif plugin for AWeb allows you to view all GIF images. Features include:

awebjfif.awebplugin 1.8 (40k, 17 Oct 1999)

The awebjfif plugin for AWeb allows you to view all JFIF images. Features include:

awebPNG.awebplugin 1.8 (41k, 17 Oct 1999)

The awebpng plugin for AWeb allows you to view all PNG images. Features include:

layoutgadget 42.54 (24k, 22 Feb 1998)

Version 42.76 of layout.gadget has some minor background refresh problems. If your system has this problem, it can be fixed by reverting to version 42.54.

AWebNews Version 1.98 (58k, 17 Oct 1999)

Automatic decoding and display of files embeded in news articles. Compatible with more news hosts.

Play16 Version 1.7 (108k, 12 Jan 1997)

A freeware sound player that supports WAV, VOC, AU, AIFF, IFF and many other sound formats. (readme)

ARexx Scripts

AutoSearch.awebrx Version 3.0 (15.10.1999) (9k, 15 Oct 1999)
AutoSearch.awebrx Version 2.4 (21.2.98) (6k, 19 Apr 1998)

by Gabriele Favrin (

This script enhances the AWeb 3.x autosearch function. Just by typing a string in the url field you can have access to following features:

AWebDL.awebrx Version 2.1 (15.12.97) (5k, 22 Apr 1998)

by Gabriele Favrin (

This program allows you to download/save images and/or files avoiding the requester that AWeb usually displays. This is especially useful when downloading files from Aminet and other file archives.

banda.awebrx - Button and Animation Hot Swap (3k, 25 Dec 1998)

Do you have buttons sets and animations for AWeb you have never tried because it is so tedious to exit and restart AWeb to see each change? Here's the solution.

bank.awebrx - Button Bank Rotation (3k, 25 Dec 1998)

Do you have more GUI buttons than you can display on your AWeb window? Now you can set up an unlimited number of buttons and access then easily! This script requires manual installation (see the docs).

ChangeModes.awebrx Version 3.0 (3k, 23 July 1998)

Change various AWeb modes from a requester. By Gabriele Favrin.

image.awebrx Version 1.93 (5k, 6 Oct 1998)

A small tool to explore images with AWeb.

Translate.awebrx Version 1.4 (14k, 10 Oct 1998)

A language translation script by William H. M. Parker. The update includes a new awnpipe-handler that improves compatibility with other scripts. Full description

x-viewer.awebrx Version 1.03 (3k, 20 Apr 1998)

by William H. M. Parker (

Display images using AWeb's external viewer setting.


File Type(s) Datatype Version Size Cost  
jpg See the Aminet datatypes archive
gif ZGIF.datatype 39.18, 12 Jan 1997 7k Freeware readme
png See the Aminet datatypes archive
au ams.lha 42.1, 12 Jan 1997 16k    
  AMS  is a collection of datatype classes. It includes a Sun audio datatype, an X-Bitmap picture datatype (though we recommend XBM_DT below), and an upgrade to the picture.datatype that provides better color remapping. These classes work with all Amigas and require a minimum 3.0 (V39).
X-Bitmap XBM_DT.lha   24k    

Version 3.x Language Translations

3.1 Catalog Archive Dansk, Deutsch, Íslenska, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Russian, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe (102k, Feb 3, 1998)
Ãeótina (Czech) 3.1 Language Catalog (10k, Mar 23, 1998)
Español 3.1 Language Catalog (25k, Mar 23, 1998)
French 3.1 Language Catalog (10k, May 9, 1998)
3.0 Language Catalog (8k, Aug 7, 1997)
German 3.1 Online Documentation (142k, Oct 26, 1998)
3.0(b) Online Documentation (176k, Dec 9, 1997)
Greek 3.0 Language Catalog (8k, Sep 10, 1997)
Polish 3.2 Language Catalog (6k, Jul 25, 1998)
3.1 Language Catalog (10k, Mar 23, 1998)
3.0 Language Catalog (8k, Aug 7, 1997)
Português 3.0 Language Catalog (8k, Aug 27, 1997)
Russian 3.0 Language Catalog (8k, Nov 13, 1997)
This catalog requires a Russian font, such as the Xen font provided here.
Srpski (Serbian) 3.1 Language Catalog (10k, Mar 23, 1998)
Svenska 3.2 Language Catalog and Documentation - upgrade (64k, Aug 5, 1998)
3.1 Language Catalog and Documentation (222k, Feb 20, 1998)
3.0 Language Catalog and Online Documentation (164k, Oct 24, 1997)
No installer script included for the 3.0 archive, simply copy all the files over the existing docs and extras drawers.


If you have bought the commercial AWeb-II package, you must register online to receive support services. Manual registration cards are no longer supplied. Support and upgrades will only be provided to registered purchasers of AWeb-II.

The shareware version of AWeb can no longer be registered.


Technical questions about our products can be sent to, sales requests should be sent to, Surface mail can be addressed to:

AmiTrix Development
P.O. Box 43008
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 4M8

Phone and Fax: 1-780-929-8459
(Email preferred, we do not take direct orders or provide support via phone.)

Requirements for AWeb-II

The following hardware and software is required in order to install and use AWeb-II v3.x:

Upgrading from Older Versions of AWeb

We regret to say that supplies of the v2.x to v3.x upgrade package for AWeb-II have now run out after more than 3 years and this option has therefore been withdrawn.

Users of a demo version of AWeb-II can purchase the full commercial version from various dealers worldwide, or direct from AmiTrix. Contact us via email at ( for the current dealer closest to you. Remember to specify your location. For direct orders, see below for further information.

Upgrading from Other Browsers

Upgrading to AWeb-II is easy for users of other Amiga browser programs. AWeb-II will automatically recognize the TCP/IP stack you are using. If you are upgrading from IBrowse, AWeb-II is able to read your old hotlist directly. If you are upgrading from another browser which stores its hotlist as an HTML document, AWeb-II will be able to read it.

Ordering & Pricing for Version 3.x

Customer and dealer inquiries can be sent via email to, or by surface mail to the address listed below.


The price of New standard copies of AWeb-II on direct orders is:

The price of OS 3.5/AWeb-IISE v3.3 Upgrades on direct orders is:

See the full AmiTrix Development price list for more information on our other products.

Send MAIL or FAXED orders to:

AmiTrix Development
P.O. Box 43008
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 4M8
Fax: 1-780-929-8459

NOTE: Direct orders require a Bank Draft/Money Order, Postal Money Order, or VISA card. (Sorry, no MasterCard!). For VISA orders, our bank requires either FAXED or MAILED card number, expiry date and signature. Please do not attempt to email or phone in credit card orders! All VISA orders are charged at the Canadian prices, exchange will be done by your bank, see your statement for actual amount.

We also have dealer contacts in many countries, contact sales for the location nearest to you. If your dealer does not know about us, please ask them to contact us for information. Thanks!

Demo Version

AWeb-II 3.2 Demo is a demo version of AWeb with limited features. The demo is available from Aminet in the biz/demo directory as AWeb.lha (705k). Note that this also requires the latest version of ClassAct. The required ClassAct files are available either from AmiTrix (206k), or you can download the complete ClassAct archive from Aminet (589k) or via ftp from in North America or in Europe.

Page History

14 March 2000
- Added AWeb-IISE Upgrade and v3.3 shipping info. Updated ordering info and pricelist.

24 October 1999
- New versions of AWebModes.lha (added AWebModes_doc.html) and netsearch.lha (added search.readme).

19 October 1999
- Added AWeb 3.3 information and a bunch of updates.

8 June 1999
- Housecleaning. Removed pre-V3.0 docs and language catalogs, old AWebFTP plugin and akJFIF and akPNG v43 datatypes.

7 Feb 1999
- Update the Upgrading, Ordering and Pricing Info.

25 Dec 1998
- Add BandA.awebrx and bank.awebrx ARexx scripts

19 Dec 1998
- Add link to 3.2 feature list page

26 Oct 1998
- Updates to GIF, JFIF and PNG plugins
- Repackage 3.1 German docs as .lha file

11 October 1998
- Add image.awebrx ARexx script
- Update to translate.awebrx ARexx script
- Update to AWebNews plugin

5 August 1998
- Add Swedish 3.2 catalog file

25 July 1998
- Added Polish 3.2 catalog file
- Added pointer to XBM_DT.lha X-bitmap datatype

23 July 1998
- Add ChangeModes.awebrx ARexx script
- Updated NetSearch page
- Added updated news.aweblib archive

11 July 1998
- Added 3.2 ARexx upgrade script

17 June 1998
- Updated language translation script

4 June 1998
- Added 3.1 German docs

25 May 1998
- Added language translation ARexx script

19 May 1998
- Removed the AnimGIF plugin, we suggest you use AWebGIF instead.

9 May 1998
- Added French catalog for AWeb 3.1
- New Danish catalog for AWebCfg