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From:Rajnai Almos
Date:11 Apr 00 at 08:01:05
Subject:Re: Odp: Re: PPC Crashes when Multitasking


On 10 Apr 00, at 22:40, Joseph Fenton wrote:

> That may or may not work; you can tell them HOW to make the script,
> but some things are going to HAVE to be done by the user. E.G., in
> ADoomPPC, I tell the user how to make the script, but if I provided
> one, they'd still have to edit it to set the drive paths and options. If I
> provided one, the user PROBABLY wouldn't bother reading the docs and

Is it so hard? Scripting on Amiga is _very_ fexible. You can write
easily scripts for handling special options, paths etc.
I am personally not a script-mage (BTW I wrote games and some tool in
AOS script), but I may help everybody if he/she write me a letter.


Almos Rajnai

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