WarpUp (41/72)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:10 Apr 00 at 09:17:56
Subject:Re: Survey on OS for M@tabox Boards

On 08-Apr-00 at 15:52:17, Steve Hodson wrote these words of wisdom:
> Hello Sam
> On 08-Apr-00, you wrote:
>> What shouldn't be forget: a G3/G4 card does only make sense in
>> conjunction with graphics boards. I would even say they do only make
>> sense in conjunction with *fast* graphics boards (>Z3). Otherwise the
>> difference in processing power between today's processors and G3/G4 gets
>> lost/wasted. I also ask myself whether the classic AMIGA hardware
>> architecture really can handle this level of processing power anymore.
> Yes...a top speed 68k barely capable of driving PCI let alone AGP
> (thinking BoXeR here)

The BoXeR is supposed to be a modern motherboard design using modern parts
and methods and supposedly is much faster than Amiga motherboards designed
by Commodore. ;-)

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100
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