WarpUp (37/72)

From:Steve Hodson
Date:08 Apr 00 at 20:52:17
Subject:Re: Survey on OS for M@tabox Boards

Hello Sam

On 08-Apr-00, you wrote:

> What shouldn't be forget: a G3/G4 card does only make sense in conjunction
> with graphics boards. I would even say they do only make sense in
> conjunction with *fast* graphics boards (>Z3). Otherwise the difference in
> processing power between today's processors and G3/G4 gets lost/wasted. I
> also ask myself whether the classic AMIGA hardware architecture really can
> handle this level of processing power anymore.

Yes...a top speed 68k barely capable of driving PCI let alone AGP (thinking
BoXeR here)

> If those PPC-only boards came out 2-3 years ago it would have been a great
> thing. Now I fear that they come too late.

hmm...if they come 2 or 3 years ago the emulation speed would have been
unacceptable..but maybe there would've been more development biased towards
PPC..but no need to drag out who screwed that up eh?

