WarpUp (36/72)

From:Sam Jordan
Date:08 Apr 00 at 13:57:06
Subject:Re: Survey on OS for M@tabox Boards

Am 08-Apr-00 schrieb Rajnai Almos:


>On 7 Apr 00, at 16:13, 2mas wrote:

>> How many do they have to sell to make it profitable?
>> I don't really know _anyone_ that want to buy yet another addon CPU card
>> for their Amiga. Not to be negative, but most of my friends which still
>> use their Amiga have either started to use a PC besides as HW for them are
>> a whole lot cheaper or they have (like me) already bought a PPC card and
>> are not interested in buying a new CPU card.

>I know a LOT of people, who just waiting for a G3/G4 board without
>M68k. They did not bought PPC card because of this.

What shouldn't be forget: a G3/G4 card does only make sense in conjunction
with graphics boards. I would even say they do only make sense in conjunction
with *fast* graphics boards (>Z3). Otherwise the difference in processing
power between today's processors and G3/G4 gets lost/wasted. I also ask
myself whether the classic AMIGA hardware architecture really can handle
this level of processing power anymore.

If those PPC-only boards came out 2-3 years ago it would have been a great
thing. Now I fear that they come too late.


Sam Jordan ______
eMail: s.jordan@haage-partner.com _______ / \
sam_jordan@spin.ch (private) ()_______) / \
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