WarpUp (3/72)

From:Tim Hanson
Date:03 Apr 00 at 00:01:03
Subject:Re: setpatch problems

Hi mike
mike chalmers wrote this on 02-Apr-00 at 05:14:11
> People,
> Anybody know if warp up helps with my problem with setpatch ?
> I cant use any setpatch above 39.6
> As soon as i try the miggy gurus before loading anything and i have to
> go back to the older version
> I need to use at least 40.16 to use voyager and some other vapor
> software.
> I remember a site that gave some clues to the answer but i cant find
> it now - anybody point me to the right direction.
> I havent loaded warpup yet as i feel that this is my most important
> task right now - i need to get this right or my miggys not so useful
> I have a 1200 with PPC 603e and 060. No SCSI. 32MB. WB 3.0. 3.0
> ROMSand Opus Magellan II.
> Dont think much else will affect the working of the setpatch as its
> pretty early in the startup sequence - first line.
> Ive tried a few things but no luck.
> Been able to get by without probs until now with older setpatch
> Any help would be amazingly appreciated
> Yours Scratching bonce
> Mike Chalmers

If you`ve got rev2b of the 1200 motherboard I`ve had the same problem. I was
told that it`s a timing problem on the motherboard. The solution here was to
set max transfer rate on your boot partition down to 0xFFFF with hdtoolbox.

Tim Hanson,
by the River,Canterbury, Kent.
Amiga A1200T,`040/25,603e/160,32MB Fast,BVisionPPC,
Don`t waste your time by visiting