C (52/254)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:24 Apr 00 at 02:33:18
Subject:Faster scrolling (was: Re: Minterms)

On 24-Apr-00, andrewmarkwell@ukonline.co.uk wrote:

> But anyway... I've still found this uses masses of chip RAM, there must
> be another way - the Voyager web browser can load in a huge page (of 20
> screen heights) and bearly use any Chip RAM. [...]

It generates the bitmap on demand, thus never really occupy any gfx memory
other than that required for fonts and images. Each time the contents is
scrolled some pixels, the browser will generate the pixels corresponding to
the newly visible ones...

There's a simple example on how to do such things with MUI virtual groups at
OneList's file area (for the MUI mailinglist).

Regards Allan

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