C (5/254)

From:Steven Dobbs
Date:19 Apr 00 at 00:49:40
Subject:Re: implementing cut scenes

Hello Shinda

> If you want to implement a/v cut scenes I would recommend datatypes,
> the cdxl datatypes performance is pretty good on a 68030 amiga and I
> remember seeing the tools to create the cdxl movies on a german
> website that had the cd32 developer kit. Sorry but I forgot where it
> was but you could check the news on www.ann.lu and do a search.
> Shinda.

my main problem is that though I'm okay at 3d maths and handy with c, I do
not know how to do very much that is amiga specific. So far I'm stretching
my abilities to add joystick control - all my amiga specific functionality
is borrowed code off others. But I remember once I managed to do something
in blitz using an OS function call.

its info in my blitz manual (I dont have proper amiga docs) is

Execute(string,file1,file2) , what c types would these be? char *, char * ,
char * ???

I cant seem to do anything with this dos function in c. I imagined it would
be possible to execute an mpeg or avi player perhaps that I could download
from the internet so quickening up the project as a whole, as I could then
concentrate on creating cut scenes rather than figuring out stuff that I
dont actually know.

Steven Dobbs
"AMIGA Farm"

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