C (253/254)

From:Bart King
Date:29 Apr 00 at 14:32:53
Subject:Re: __Stack

Mike Carter <mike.carter@redhotant.co.uk> wrote:

[StormC docs]
> I thought they were non existent! hehe :o)

Oh no, it exists.

"StormC; The professional choice. Users manual. ANSI C/C++
Development-system for the Amiga."

That's what it says on the front cover. 214 pages of near-useless
information, coupled with Germlish.

Bart King
Bartman Software: http://www.bartman.demon.co.uk
ICQ: 18178781 - IRC: bart (ArcNET)

Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.